Not Your Pie, MyPy!

Mypy is an instrumental tool for increasing productivity and improving products – see why (with live code examples) here.

FinTech Platforms Use Email API to Power Communications

There’s a bull market for email APIs in the FinTech space

5 Python Libraries We Love

A shoutout to some of our favorite open-source tools

How to Get Full Calendar Sync & CRUD with the Nylas Calendar API

The Nylas Calendar API was built by developers, for developers, allowing you to share team calendars, link to specific meetings, schedule recurring meetings, and more.

Improve Customer Support Efficiency with Calendar Sync

Do you know how much time your support representatives could save with a calendar integration? Find out here.

A 5 Step Guide to Getting SOC 2 Certified

Nylas set to out achieve SOC 2 certification for the trust principles of security and confidentiality. We’re excited to share our certification process.