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We just wrapped up Hacktoberfest and are excited to highlight developer contributions. Here are previous posts on Hacktoberfest:
This post covers Hacktoberfest: building with Nylas, open source, and highlighting developer contributions.
Through Hacktoberfest, developers integrated with different communication providers using Nylas APIs. The ability to connect a user and access different communicating data to create code samples was a smooth experience for developers.
We created simple feature requests that leveraged Nylas APIs to access communication data. Developers were able to pick up issues and build quickly. One developer could pick up a ticket and deliver a feature in under 30 minutes!
Nylas provides developer tools such as SDKs for building integrations and a dashboard for connecting user accounts.
Let’s showcase Developers contributing to Nylas Samples through Hacktoberfest:
Contributing to open source is an excellent opportunity for developers to learn and try new APIs. Having experience working with different APIs is an opportunity to level up as a developer and gain exposure to different coding paradigms. This is also an opportunity to explore a new language and connect with other developers with domain expertise. And, of course, building your public profile is excellent for your future career! Building in public can be nerve-racking; however, starting small with a single issue is a great way to build your confidence and get feedback from other developers.
On the flip side, allowing contributions have given Nylas a window into how developers approach our APIs and where they may hit certain blockers. This is an opportunity for us to work with the community and build better developer experiences.
You can find example code on the Nylas Samples code repository. We encourage developers to continue contributing to open source and building with Nylas. This is an exciting time as a developer, and we look forward to more opportunities to enable more contributions building with Nylas!
Don’t miss the action, watch our LiveStream Coding with Nylas:
Ram loves teaching, building and exploring technologies. He is passionate about empowering developers to ship amazing products to market as fast as possible ????. Ram is excited to share knowledge and help others. He’s a Relaxed Tomato ????.