API performance

Elevating performance: Nylas’ commitment to enhancing our product

5 min read

Speed and reliability are paramount when building and interacting with software applications. That’s probably why developers like working with APIs so much — ⅔ of developers rated API performance as the top benefit of working with modern APIs in our latest developer report

From a business perspective, whether you deliver a CRM platform, a telehealth service, a productivity tool, or any other solution that facilitates digital information exchanges, your users demand seamless experiences that are both lightning-fast and dependable. To deliver this value effectively, you must equip your teams with tools that enhance efficiency, allowing them to build quickly, scale easily, and manage your system reliably with minimal concern for bugs and maintenance. 

Performance isn’t just about boasting impressive numbers and statistics; it’s about delivering real value to you and your users. Whether sending an important email, searching for vital information, or syncing data across applications in real time, performance is a critical gear that makes the entire user experience machine operate.

Nylas understands the significance of performance and its direct impact on your users’ satisfaction. That’s why we took performance as a key metric when defining the success of our API infrastructure. Over the past year, we’ve made it our mission to prioritize and further enhance the performance of our product — and we’re excited to share how the latest updates are already improving experiences for developers and end-users alike. 

Nylas’ API performance commitment

Nylas has always been committed to delivering products that not only meet but exceed our users’ expectations. Recognizing opportunities for enhancement, we’ve honed in on pivotal aspects of our APIs — load times, real-time data synchronization, and responsiveness — and have implemented substantial upgrades to set a new industry standard in performance. 

Recent updates to our API include a new and improved infrastructure that allows for a much more seamless and effective developer and end-user experience. In API v3, we no longer rely on syncing data to Nylas, enabling responses directly from the providers themselves. This removes any potential latency your end-users may experience caused by processing a high volume of data with Nylas, increasing reliability and scalability.

The two figures above compare API v2 and v3 infrastructure logic for creating events, messages, or contacts. V2 requires additional syncing and confirmation signals, but in API v3, responses are made directly from the provider itself without relying on syncing data with Nylas. This change in infrastructure logic leads to 10x more reliability and is 2.5x or more faster with your application.

Speed without sacrificing quality

Early signals from our beta adoption point to a success for our users. 

“The partnership with [Nylas], along with their comprehensive documentation and the revamped developer dashboard, has been critical to streamlining our developer experiences, making it easy for us to navigate. Additionally, working with the new APIs simplifies how we interact with the Nylas integration; it’s quick to build, and response times have been much quicker.”

Charles Gigante, Product Manager at Revenue.io

Take a look at how speed improves when handling eight concurrent API requests with the latest updates: 

We’ve more than halved speed times and latency, ensuring swift and efficient performance across email, calendar, and contacts integrations for an even more seamless user experience.

We understand that faster doesn’t mean better if it compromises the integrity and quality of our service. Our performance enhancements are designed to maintain the high data security, reliability, and scalability standards our users have come to trust. 

Ongoing monitoring and iteration

Performance isn’t a one-time project; it’s an ongoing commitment. Nylas maintains a rigorous schedule of performance monitoring and iterative improvements. We use real-time data and analytics to assess how our product is performing, identify bottlenecks, and make timely adjustments to ensure optimal performance. We built our new infrastructure with this ongoing commitment in mind, and we broke this apart to create better monitoring, more alerting, and easier/cleaner code for when we needed to make fixes. 


At Nylas, we firmly believe that performance is a cornerstone of our product’s success. By continually investing in performance enhancements, we aim to provide our users with seamless, lightning-fast, and reliable experiences. Our commitment to performance not only increases developer satisfaction but also sets the stage for innovation and growth for your business.

As we move forward, we will remain dedicated to improving the performance of our product and elevating developer and your end-user experiences to new heights. Stay tuned for exciting developments as we continue our journey to make Nylas even faster, more reliable, and more user-friendly than ever before. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we embark on this journey together. 

For our new folks, you can start building for free today or connect with a platform specialist to experience the performance benefits of Nylas for yourself. If you’re an existing customer, learn more about upgrading to the new version of our API.

Related resources

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