The Nylas blog

Send notifications for calendar events using the Nylas Node SDK

Learn how to send different notifications to engage users for calendar events using the Nylas Node SDK with minimal code.

How to send emails with the Nylas Java SDK

Learn how to increase email deliverability by sending communications with Java using the Nylas Java SDK. Send emails with Java now.

How to build a CRM in 3 sprints with Nylas: Implementing email sync (sprint #3)

Learn how to build a CRM in sprints with Nylas. We’ll finish by adding Email and Mail Merge capabilities using the Nylas Ruby SDK.

How to create Nylas Webhooks with NodeJS

Learn how to create Nylas’ webhooks with NodeJS. Webhooks are useful to streamline working with Nylas’ communication platform to be easily notified when specific events occur such as updating an email.

How to handle timezones with JavaScript

Learn how to work with different timezones in JavaScript.

How to send an email in any language using the Nylas APIs

By using the Nylas APIs we can easily send emails using any language that supports REST APIs. We’re going to see examples on PHP, Rust and C#