The Nylas blog

Building with Nylas using Typescript

In this blog post, we go over how to use Typescript when building applications in JavaScript using the Nylas Node SDK.

How to set up Webhooks in Nylas API v3 using Pipedream

This blog post covers how to setup Nylas API v3 webhooks using Pipedream to receive real-time calendar, and email updates in your application.

How to manage calendar events with the Ruby SDK

Do you need to manage calendar events with Ruby? This is your definitive guide for Ruby and the Nylas V3 API

To parse or not to parse (a guide to Python’s Parse)

Are Regular Expression too complex? Looking for a simpler alternative? Here’s a guide to the Parse library in Python

Group scheduling – Control your events participation with Python

Learn how to control your events participation by creating attendance limits using group scheduling with Python

How to locally test your Webhooks using Python

Tired of submitting changes every time you need to test your Python webhooks? Why not testing locally before deploying?