The Nylas blog

Hosted authentication for Nylas and Yahoo Mail using Python

Create a Nylas application using hosted authentication and connect a Yahoo account!

Testing webhooks using the Nylas CLI and Ruby

Webhooks are the best way to get notifications without having to constantly ask the server. We’re using Ruby to demonstrate how this works.

How to read emails with Nylas Node SDK

Using the Nylas Node SDK to read emails with minimal code.

How to manage calendar events with the Nylas Node SDK

Using the Nylas Node SDK to manage calendar events with minimal code.

Working with the Nylas Contacts API and Python

Learn about the Nylas Contacts API, its available features, and how to work with them in Python!

Super power the Nylas CLI with Fig

Working with the Nylas CLI is great, but it can be hard remembering all the available commands. With Fig, you can use autocompletion and enhance your workflow.