The Nylas blog

How to read email inbox data with Nylas Java SDK

Learn how you can use the Nylas Java SDK to read email inbox data and apply different filters with just a few lines of code.

Finding memory leak in Go service

Learn how to diagnose and find memory leaks in Go.

Testing webhooks using the Nylas CLI and PHP

Webhooks are the best way to get notifications without constantly asking the server. We’re using PHP to demonstrate how this works.

How to setup your first Google API project

This post will cover how to setup your first Google API Project. We’ll connect a Google user using the Nylas dashboard.

A small introduction to functional programming

Have you ever wondered what Functional Programming is all about? Let us show you using simple examples in Haskell and Erlang.

Working with the Nylas Contacts API and Ruby

Learn about the Nylas Contacts API, its available features, and how to work with them using the Nylas Ruby SDK!