The Nylas blog

How to sync Google and Outlook calendars in your app

Learn how to sync Google and Outlook calendars in your app using Nylas Calendar API functionality.

Learn you a Lisp (Racket)

Ever wondered what Lisp is all about? Using Racket we’re going to learn the fundamentals of the Lisp programming family.

How to create an Azure app

This post will cover how to setup your first Azure App. We’ll connect a Outlook user using the Nylas dashboard.

Fig Workflows and the Nylas CLI

Learn how Fig Workflows can help you improve your productivity and boost your development when combined with the Nylas CLI

Grouping email threads with Ruby and Nylas

Use the Nylas Email API and Ruby to group email threads into a single view, and easily access complete conversations within your app.

How to create recurring events using RRule

Learn how to program recurring calendar events using RRule, recurrence rules.