Zigaflow saves businesses £20 million in salary costs with business management platform powered by Nylas APIs 

Location: London, UK
Product: Email API
  • Saves £20 million in salary from our customers’ administrative costs
  • Conserves 18 months of development and maintenance resources
  • Helps deliver a solution that automates and speeds up customer operations
  • Selects Nylas Email API to build contextual email capabilities powering leads, quotes, orders, etc., management in the Zigaflow platform.

    Zigaflow is business management software that makes running and growing your business easier. The platform offers solutions across sales, marketing, operations, finance, logistics, and services to deliver end-to-end business process management and automation. 

    To become an all-in-one solution for growth, Zigaflow strategically invests in developing technology to automate and eliminate manual work. One key area where the company saw significant inefficiencies was managing emails for leads, quotes, orders, and other processes.


    Delivering email integrated into every aspect of customer processes 

    Many businesses invest considerable time and resources in the back-and-forth between their customers, vendors, and internal teams. Receiving inquiries and generating quotes for new prospects requires a fast response and constant follow-up from your sales team, otherwise, you may be leaving money on the table. 

    Most of this orchestration happens in email, the #1 channel for business communication. With this information, the team at Zigaflow knew they had an opportunity to deliver a unified experience for business communications processes. “We had many clients asking for a better email integration to manage quotes and other documents,” explains Tim Randall, CEO at Zigaflow. “We decided to address this challenge, but when we looked around, we didn’t see anything that could do the job.” 


    Integrating email communications with the Nylas Email API 

    The product team at Zigaflow first evaluated building an email solution in-house. “We first assessed the extra work required to connect our platform to leading email service providers, and found that there was a great deal of complexity in dealing with Microsoft and Google,” explains Randall. “Our focus is not email integrations– the work is too specialized and would have been a distraction to building our core product.” 

    Next, Zigaflow considered using a transactional email provider to support email in their platform. “We tried using a transactional email API for our use case but found that many of the emails we sent weren’t delivered. Our customers expect perfect deliverability, so we knew this solution wouldn’t work for us.” 

    Finally, the team discovered Nylas. “A contextual email provider like Nylas was the perfect fit for our needs, saving us 18 months of upfront development work and ongoing maintenance. We set up a trial, quickly built a proof of concept, added it to the system, and got great customer feedback.” 


    Zigaflow improves email delivery, automation, and process efficiency

    With Nylas, Zigaflow built powerful email capabilities into its application. Once a user authenticates their email account in Zigaflow, customers can view communication for a quote, order, invoice, etc., on the document in question. This is ideal when a team member is away as the relevant emails can be seen by other team members, and the document becomes the  ‘Single-Source’.

    From the Zigaflow inbox users can create quotes, leads, tasks, and more from emails, saving vast amounts of time.

    Since implementing Nylas into the platform, Zigaflow has increased email deliverability by 70%, improving user confidence in its sending features. What’s more, the new email capabilities allow customers to see value in the platform faster, improving sales. “Our customers love having greater visibility into email conversations across their business. It’s made it even easier to deliver a solution that massively automates and improves how our clients can operate,” remarks Randall. 

    In the future, Zigaflow is excited to explore the Nylas Calendar API to support scheduling within its application. “We see customer requests for in-app calendar management popping up. We’re evaluating adding this new and valuable communications channel to the platform.”  

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