Introducing Nylas API v3, now generally available

Introducing Nylas API v3, now generally available

5 min read

We’re excited to announce that Nylas API v3 is now generally available! This update is designed with developer productivity in mind, redefining the standards of modern APIs. It elevates product performance, developer experiences, security, and intelligence capabilities in email, calendar, and contacts integrations to new levels of efficiency.

“We’ve spent 10 years building our API platform. This release takes all the hard lessons we’ve learned over those years to build the next greatest version that’s more scalable, performant, reliable, and enables a host of new features.”

-Christine Spang, Co-founder & CTO at Nylas

Enhanced performance and security

Nylas API v3 introduces instant email and event functionality to eliminate potential latency at scale. Our new infrastructure no longer relies on retaining data with Nylas for non-IMAP accounts, such as Google and Microsoft, boosting performance and security. Responses now sync directly with the email and calendar service providers themselves, resulting in instantaneous access to user data on your platform and less edge cases to deal with. You’ll see improvements made around performance being at least 2.5x faster and 10x more reliable. Additionally, as Nylas no longer stores email and event data, you’ll have a smaller data footprint, making it even easier to meet GDPR and CCPA compliance.

Diagram for comparing the existing and new API architecture using the GET webhook
(Comparing the existing and new API architecture)

To continue providing best-in-class user experiences for IMAP accounts, we reinforced and improved integration optimization to speed up every possible shortfalls to bring developers more consistency and ease. We will continue to securely store data for IMAP users, backed by our robust, enterprise-grade security and privacy practices.

“The partnership with [Nylas], along with their comprehensive documentation and the revamped developer dashboard has been critical to streamlining our developer experiences, making it easy for us to navigate. Additionally, working with the new APIs simplifies how we interact with the Nylas integration; it’s quick to build, and response times have been much quicker.”

– Charles Gigante, Product Manager at

Streamlined developer experiences to improve productivity

Continuously up-leveling developer experiences to help you do more with less is also a top priority. With Nylas API v3, integrations are simplified and paired with intuitive, well-documented APIs allowing engineering teams to deal with less technical hurdles and focus on their core business values. A few improvements worth mentioning:

  • API keys simplify how you’ll quickly manage and securely make API calls to end users’ inboxes, calendars, and address books. Eliminate the need to store and refer to account access tokens for end users, reducing system complexity to achieve your business use case.
  • Enhanced webhooks provide data payloads with more object change details, streamlining how you monitor activities without needing to make extra API calls to access that information.
  • Support for Microsoft Graph helps you stay up-to-date with the latest APIs and simplified protocols. Seamlessly integrate with multiple Microsoft services and access granular scopes for improved security and OAuth to access Microsoft accounts.
  • Kotlin is now supported via the Nylas Kotlin SDK, giving developers more options to quickly build integrations with Nylas.

New features to unlock innovation and automation

We’re also excited to release these new email features you can easily add to improve user experiences and engagement in your platform.

  • Bounce Detection accurately detects hard email bounces and improves email deliverability with real-time bounce notifications, severity, and actionable insights. 
  • Scheduled Send optimizes communication outreach and engagement by enabling your users to send emails during their working hours and increase email open rates.
  • Smart Compose allows you to easily add generative AI-powered email capabilities in your platform. Save your end users time and effort by allowing them to draft well-structured emails based on context and user prompts.

Email is not only the cornerstone of business communications; it’s a largely untapped resource for training existing and new intelligent solutions. Obtaining high amounts of quality data to build intelligence can be cumbersome with access and privacy concerns, but Nylas can help you achieve that by unlocking untapped, 1st party communications data.

Get started with Nylas API v3 today

In summary, the launch of Nylas API v3 marks a significant milestone, setting a new benchmark for building and maintaining email, calendar, and contacts capabilities with minimal effort.

If you’re new to Nylas, start building for free or connect with a platform specialist today. If you’re an existing customer, learn more about upgrading to the new version of our API.


How long does it take to migrate from the existing Nylas API to API v3?
The time it takes to migrate will vary depending on your unique instance and how you use Nylas.

I’m interested in migrating but might need help. Who should I contact?
If you need help migrating, check out our upgrade guides or contact your Nylas Customer Success Manager (CSM). Regular call and high-touch migration support from the Nylas implementation team is also available with a one-time fee; contact your CSM for this level of support.

Will the existing Nylas API (v2) be retired, and if so, when?
Nylas API v3 is the future of Nylas for existing and new customers as we continue to invest in it. As such, Nylas API v2 will sunset on October 1, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Nylas Customer Success Manager for migration resources and support.

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