applicant tracking system features

Making your ATS a must-have for top recruiting teams

4 min read

The rise in remote recruiting and virtual interviewing is turning recruitment and job hunting into an increasingly digital endeavor. To meet this change, businesses must now embrace efficient digital recruiting tools to attract and retain talent fast. The ability to attract top talent fast is critical, especially since the best candidates are off the market within 10 days on average. However, manual tasks like scheduling interviews and reaching out to candidates across hiring touchpoints are both time-consuming and costly.

But what if your applicant tracking system (ATS) and its features could help recruiters reduce time-to-fill, cut costs, and improve the quality of hires? It can, by simply integrating native email and scheduling capabilities that increase recruitment automation and intelligence.

Build recruitment automation to simplify scheduling interviews

On average, it takes three to four weeks to find a new employee, with the interview process taking the longest amount of time. When it comes to setting up those interviews, the number one scheduling challenge recruiters face is finding a time that works for everyone. The time it takes to manually schedule interviews, especially with multiple stakeholders across different time zones, not only negatively impacts the candidate experience but can also be costly to businesses. Nearly two hours per week are wasted on scheduling and rescheduling meetings, costing businesses in the U.S. $1.85 billion weekly.

By providing an automated scheduling workflow in your ATS, recruiters can save hours on administrative tasks like coordinating across schedules, rescheduling interviews, and sending upcoming event reminders. You can achieve this quickly with an API solution like the Nylas Calendar API, which enables you to easily build complex logic to check across multiple calendars for real-time availability, helping recruiters schedule a one-on-one, panel, or group interview in minutes. And by automatically triggering event reminders for upcoming interviews, you can reduce candidate and interviewee no-shows without recruiters needing to intervene.

Unlock recruiting insights to improve candidate experiences

How recruiters communicate throughout the hiring process is essential to a candidate’s experience. In fact, it’s a crucial first impression for candidates regarding their potential overall experience with a company if hired. A lack of candidate data and personalization can discourage an optimal recruiter-candidate engagement, though.

Email, the leading method for recruiting outreach, can provide real-time data imperative for a recruiter’s success. By connecting to your users’ inboxes using the Nylas Email API, recruiters gain easy access to critical email data. Provide email open and click rates, for example, allowing recruiters to understand email performance and quickly take action. Email data can also provide access to candidate sentiment analysis, helping recruiters anticipate offer acceptance rates and more.

Streamline recruiting experiences across siloed applications

Connecting to your users’ inboxes has many additional benefits that improve recruiting efficiency. Embedding native email capabilities reduces context switching and saves recruiters 3 hours per week navigating across applications. Recruiters can also send personalized emails to candidates directly from their email accounts without ever having to leave your ATS.

Nylas’ Email API offers bi-directional sync with a 99.6% email deliverability and provides a native email experience directly in your application. Users will experience what they would see in their inbox if viewing it directly from the email service provider’s application, like Gmail or Outlook. The same goes for connecting your users’ calendars and contacts, which can also provide 1st-party data that enables you to transform recruiting experiences directly in your ATS.

Nylas’ Calendar API and Contacts API also offer two-way sync, providing the ability for your users to experience what they would see in their calendars and contacts if viewing it directly from the calendar or contacts service providers’ applications such as Google or Outlook. A recruiter would no longer need to toggle between these applications to schedule interviews or update candidate information in their address book. They can simply do it from your applicant tracking system, automatically reflecting changes in their calendars and contacts applications.

Build with Nylas

By using Nylas, email communications and scheduling can be core features of your applicant tracking system—no matter what company uses it. Nylas powers email, calendar, and contacts integrations across service providers so your developers avoid spending months building infrastructure with ongoing maintenance.

Learn more about creating exceptional experiences with Nylas recruiters will love.

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